Our Contacts
Map & Direction

Rev. Msgr. Xavier Pappu
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2103
Phone: 903-295-7558 (res.)

Beth Kennedy
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x2102

Julia Valdez 
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2101

Music Ministry
Beth Kennedy
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2107

Faith Formation
Freeda Dasaiyan
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2105

Youth Ministry
Sonja Gehrmann
[email protected]

SUNDAY: 8:30 am, 10:30 am & 6:00 pm.

Sabado:  7 PM 

Domingo: 1 PM

Hospitality Committee

Our Hospitality Committee is a group made up of members of St. Matthew Parish.  The committee is responsible for conducting outreach activities, sponsoring events that welcome new members, and promoting fellowship throughout the parish. 

Chair: Geri Vaughan

MISSION:   To reach out with a welcoming spirit to all who gather for worship at St. Matthew's parish is the special calling of the Hospitality Ministry. For whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. I John 4:20  To welcome others is to welcome Christ in our midst.


The ministry works with the ushers and greeters, recognizing all newcomers and visitors, answering questions or directing them to the proper resourse. Ministry members will wear an identifying name tag and be available in the vestibule after Mass.

The ministry hosts Social Sunday after the 8:30am and 10:30am Masses on the second Sunday of each month. Here we gather as a family for food and fellowship, while recognizing and welcoming all newly registered parishioners.

The ministry prepares an informational packet for all new parishioners, describing the many ministries offered by St. Matthew, along with a registration form.

The ministry wraps presents and gives them to visitors and newcomers at weekend Masses.

The ministry prepares and supplies Welcome Survey Cards. These are given with the gifts to all visitors and newcomers. Ministry members review these cards and direct responses to the appropriate clergy or laity. Thank you notes are sent to our visitors.

The ministry will host an event or reception when needed.

QUALIFICATIONS: A warm heart and a friendly smile!

Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels. Heb 13:2

1. The Ministry of Hospitality is truly a service to the Church and should be treated seriously and with great dignity. Therefore, Ministers of Hospitality should have an understanding of the Liturgy in order to be effective in providing the faithful with the proper environment.

2. In addition, the following attributes will assist the ministers of seeking Jesus’ face in the face of each and every person who comes into the church: patience, reverence, sensitivity compassion, understanding, gentleness, embracing a sense of the family gathered as the Body of Christ.

3. Your participation in the Ministry of Hospitality should be a direct reflection of your own prayer life which is nurtured by the Word of God and reception of Holy Eucharist thereby imbuing within you a spirit of dignity and respect.

For more information please contact:  Jeri Vaughan, 903-240-2114 or email [email protected]

Our Contacts
Map & Direction

Rev. Msgr. Xavier Pappu
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2103
Phone: 903-295-7558 (res.)

Beth Kennedy
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x2102

Julia Valdez 
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2101

Music Ministry
Beth Kennedy
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2107

Faith Formation
Freeda Dasaiyan
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2105

Youth Ministry
Sonja Gehrmann
[email protected]

SUNDAY: 8:30 am, 10:30 am & 6:00 pm.

Sabado:  7 PM 

Domingo: 1 PM
