Inspiration For the Committee:
“The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; at the sametime it is the fount from which all the church’s power flows.”Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (CSL), 10
“The church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of liturgy. Such participation by the Christian people as a ‘chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,God’s own people’ (1 Peter 2:9) is the right and duty by reason of their baptism.” CSL, 14“
The parishes, set up locally under a pastor taking the place of the bishop, are most important: in some manner they represent the visible Church established throughout the world. Therefore, both in attitude and in practice, the liturgical life of the parish and its relationship to the bishop must be fostered among the faithful and clergy; efforts must also be made toward a lively sense of community within the parish, above all in the shared celebration of the Sunday Mass.” CSL, 42
Committee Members:
Pastor: Msgr. Xavier Pappu
Deacons: Joe Bianca, Joel Gonzalez, John D'Antoni
Chair: Deacon Joe Bianca
Secretary: Allison Cameron
Memebers: Coordinators of All the Liturgical Ministries.
Definition: The Liturgy Committee is a standing committee of the Parish dedicated to the promotion of active participation in worship.
Purpose of the Liturgy Committee:
The overall purpose of the Liturgy Committee is to assist the pastor in preparing and providing for the spiritual development of the members of the parish through liturgical celebrations and significant prayer experiences.
The Liturgy Committee is active and helpful in recruiting and training liturgical ministers, preparing parish liturgies and prayers, setting parish policy along with educating the parish in issues of liturgy.
Therefore the Liturgy Committee assists the pastor and pastoral staff in forming andmaintaining a vision of liturgy, which is truly the center of the life of the parish.
The Committee meets one in three months on a last Thursday at 6:30 pm.
Rev. Msgr. Xavier Pappu
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2103
Phone: 903-295-7558 (res.)
Beth Kennedy
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x2102
Julia Valdez
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2101
Music Ministry
Beth Kennedy
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2107
Faith Formation
Freeda Dasaiyan
[email protected]
Phone: 903-295-3890 x 2105
Youth Ministry
Sonja Gehrmann
[email protected]
SUNDAY: 8:30 am, 10:30 am & 6:00 pm.
Sabado: 7 PM
Domingo: 1 PM